Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Failure a sophisticated name of "EXPERIENCE"

It’s not easy in life to get what you desire for. It is not a matter of capabilities and it is not a matter of skills at times. At times your fate makes your dream ruin in the ocean of sadness. A person becomes sad crushed and devastated. This is life! Shattered dreams are the output of the most curious desires. Also it is not at times the hard work that decides your path it is the chance you get. Remember when there is merely a chance then there is no place for choices. You have to let go your choices and your dreams. Saying bye to dreams is not easy. It brings tears in one’s eyes. How painful it is to let a part of you to go. What is that part of you? That important part of ourselves is the dreams which we decorate in our eyes for so long.

How cunning act of the fate is to wash away our desires with the outcome of failure. A person is left out with the shattered and broken version of a gloomy heart which formerly desired a lot. How can one stay optimistic and contended in this scenario? How can one afford to smile when he has given away that dream which always once made him smile? Giving it a name of the law of nature we try to return to our normal aspects of life. We give a lot of justifications to our gloomy mind and heart that it was better for us to give up. We give that failure a sophisticated name of experience. The clever and crafty art of the human mind calling failure an enriched experience!!!


  1. *We give that failure a sophisticated name of experience. *

    fab yaar...

    nd so damn true...

    gloomy piece but... nyc !~

  2. thnx!!! yes it is gloomy but true.......
