Thursday, June 18, 2015

Education: a sarcastic trauma in Pakistan

Its truly an irony that in Pakistan lack of opportunities in the job market is eradicating the and crushing the dreams of the highly educated youth in the country. It doesn't matter even if you hold a higher education degree in contemporary subjects with a great score. It doesn't help as once the students with lots of dreams enter the job market they realize that their passions and ambitions are vague as no opportunity on pure merit basis will hold their hands.

I now suspect that there is always a raised slogan that we need educated citizens and education needs to be improvised. But why they want to increase education rate and literacy when the educated ones have to be crushed under the bizarre title of unemployment.

Distribution of thousands of resumes take place but the terrible truth is that even acquiring of job has to be done through the so called hypocrite term of references and networking. What are you giving to the society? Selling jobs under the cover with the credit card of references.

Its really an annoying element when you see so much educated and bright people living jobless due to the trauma of a spoiled job market where jobs are acquired as equivalent to transactions that take place in black market. Who see your skills, knowledge and learning? So do you think with this actual bitter scenario is it worthy to keep on increasing the stream of education and later let them drown in disappointment.

I just now smile sarcastically when I hear on TV or NEWS that the government is trying to raise the education rate. The education rate increase is offset later when the educated individuals face the bitter reality and then they are are patted on their backs with comments like its practical life.

Malala who has won a Nobel Prize is claimed to be a role model for enlightening education but I have a question is it really justice to open minds with the spark of education first and then letting them to burn under the disguise of UNEMPLOYMENT?

If any one has an answer do let me know!!!!

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