Certainly the past has a huge impact on the coming days. The
past once confronted in mind can bring the agony of despair. The lost truth buried
in the heart refreshes like it has being always present in the person. Life seems
to be ridiculous and people surrounding you are nothing but passengers who at
times rush in and out of your life’s train.
It doesn't matter how long the passengers stayed and once
they are done with their role in your lives they simply go out of your life. This
is how coming in and going out stays in life. Even the physical bodies in which
the soul resides during our tenure of life is a temporary resort. When one gets
born the soul in-stills in the body and once the time comes of the departure the
soul leaves the body and enters the world of infinity.
The world is a temporary place and people are nothing but
passengers. Once we reach our destination the surroundings set into an end. Try
to live a life and do not attach much importance to the physical entities
ultimately it’s our inner self that lives and the people surrounding our lives
fade out as they never existed.